
Swim Team

SHER vs SJST (B Meet)

Sherwood Pool 518 Forrest Park Ct NW, Huntsville, AL, United States

Sherwood to host Sharon Johnston Swim Team.  This is a "B Meet" that will serve as time trials for the 2022 summer swim season!  A "B Meet" is a practice meet that does not count towards the two splashes required to compete in the annual City Meet. Because this is a "B Meet", swimmers will...


Redstone Arsenal 3705 Aerobee Rd, Huntsville, AL, United States

The Redstone Arsenal Launchers will host the Sherwood Sharks for our first sanctioned dual meet of the swim season! This meet location is on the Redstone Arsenal military installation, so there are special instructions for gate access.  If you register for the swim meet before 6:00 PM on Saturday, 4 June, then Sherwood Swim Club...